Skin Care

Workout That Removes Facial Fat and Fights Wrinkles

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If you have a double chin, chubby cheeks, or wrinkles around your eyes, there’s no need to rush into plastic surgery — face yoga can help you painlessly and naturally look younger. Unlike cosmetic procedures and injections, facial exercises act as a mild, yet effective toner that improves circulation, strengthens your muscles, and produces long-lasting results.

1. Sculpt your jawline.

What to do:

Place your palms on both sides of your chin along the jawline.
Keeping your head straight, slightly push your chin upward, creating resistance in your neck muscles.
Hold for a couple of seconds, then release.
Repeat: 10-15 times

2. Improve blood circulation.

What to do:

  • Place the palms of your hands on your temples and close your eyes.
  • Slightly stretch the skin of your forehead to the sides.
  • Stick your tongue out as far as possible.
  • Breathing slowly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Duration: 30 seconds

3. Strengthen your cheeks

What to do:

  • Place the 3 middle fingers of your right hand on your mouth.
  • Put the palm of your left hand on your left cheek.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose, then puff air into your cheeks while keeping your mouth closed.
  • Gently press on your left cheek with your hand.
  • Hold for a couple of seconds, then release.

Repeat: 10-12 times on each side

4. Relax your eye muscles.

What to do:

  • Place your fingers above and below your eyes, making a “V” shape.
  • Your eyes should be between your middle and ring fingers, your middle fingers should rest right on your eyebrows, and your thumbs should be placed in the hair behind your ears.
  • Gently stretch the skin around your eyes, up and down, by lifting your eyebrows and lowering your jawbones with your fingers.

Duration: 30 seconds

5. Sharpen your nose.

What to do:

  • Make loose fists with your hands and place them above your upper lip so that your index fingers are right below your nostrils.
  • Gently stretch the skin under your nose down.

Duration: 30 seconds

6. Get rid of wrinkles around your mouth.

What to do:

  • Place the palms of your hands on your cheeks with your fingers pointing behind you.
  • Open your mouth and put the tip of your tongue on your palate.
  • Gently stretch the skin around your nose at the sides while pushing your tongue toward your palate.

Duration: 30-40 seconds

4 Skin Problems Caused By Vitamin Deficiency And Unhealthy Diet

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Tired of skin problems and attracted by the actresses’ glowing skin? Think about the causes behind it! Apart from make-up, the celebs diet is the secret behind their beautiful skin. Moreover, one of the major reasons (skin problems) could be an unhealthy diet, which may cause:

  • dark circles around the eyes
  • pimples on the cheeks and forehead
  • dry, pale face
  • black lips

Your diet affects your health as well as skin.  To keep the skin healthy, it is important that your body fight off free radicals and eliminate them, moreover, instead of old cells, produce new cells. For this, a lot of vitamins are needed in your body, which you can get only through a good and healthy diet.

Pimples and Acne

Acne is a common facial problem, often troubling boys and girls in puberty. Acne is believed to cause hormonal changes in the body at the age of 16 to 22 years. However, consuming too much oily and spicy foods can also cause acne. Add ginger, turmeric, olive oil, etc. to your diet to get rid of acne.

Dark Circles and Wrinkles

Do you know that if you eat an excess of sugar and carbohydrates, what will it lead to? It causes dark circles under your eyes and wrinkles on the face.

  • White bread
  • white sugar (refined)
  • white rice
  • wheat flour, etc.

are some of the foods that increase the lifespan of your skin rapidly (due to which you start looking older than your actual age). Sugar destroys the skin collagen, which causes wrinkles. So if you are troubled by these problems or want to avoid these problems in the future, then avoid refined sugar. Also, limit the intake of carbohydrates.

Skin patches and psoriasis

Patches on the face and psoriasis can cause liver problems. The main function of the liver is to remove dirt and toxic elements from the body. But for this, there should be enough water in your body, so the liver can process it by separating the dirt from the blood. If you are not hydrated, then your liver won’t be able to clean the body properly, (due to which there is a problem of spots on the face). So to keep the skin clean, soft and beautiful, drink 3-4 liters of water daily.

Dark Lips

People usually have black lips due to smoking. Cigarettes not only cause cancer, but they can damage the ability of all your organs. So if you smoke regularly, reduce it slowly and stop at the end. Cigarette addiction can darken the lips as well as the gums. Apart from this, the lack of moisture on the skin can also cause black lips. To avoid this, apply moisturizer on your face and hands daily and quit this addiction.

Lose Weight Scientifically With These Effective Tips

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If you are trying to lose weight but tired of waiting for the results, then there’s something wrong that you are doing! When it comes to weight loss, it is all about planning your meal and diet plan according to your weight loss goal. Following group diet plans may be beneficial for some but can fall flat in most of the cases. One should know the basics of losing weight – Your body is different and only specific diet plans may help you get the maximum results. As per a new study published in the Journal Obesity, Researchers were all out in finding more unique ways of tackling obesity, which is a global concern. As per the new study, just like it is essential to eat a healthy and non-fattening diet, it is also necessary to strategise your meal timings. The focus should be more on curbing the appetite than counting on calories. Frequent eating has a direct link with increased metabolism of the body. As per scientists, this research suggests an Early Time-Restricted Feeding. This helps burn of fat much-effectively than any other diet.

Change the food order

Is it weird to eat dessert first and then starts the last? But this surely works as per a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. This enables a person to go for healthier meal options after taking in some pure sugary food items. It is just a motivational factor to balance the meal.

Always order a starter first

When eating out, we end up ignoring the starters. However, there’s a reason why do people order starters. This to control your hunger pangs. This also helps in reducing the chances of overeating and over-ordering the main course. Portion control meals should include a little of everything right from starters to a small portion of dessert.

Smell your food

As per a study by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, you can control your hunger just by smelling the food properly. Smelling the food makes you feel full even before eating it. It directly controls overeating, which helps in controlling the weight.

Blue plates are the best

Blue plates suppress appetite, as per scientists. They say that people eat 33 per cent lesser while eating in blue rooms as the colour makes the food look unappealing. Pink and grey also work the same way as blue. So if you are trying to control your weight, make these three colours your best pals while eating food.

Reduce the size of the plate

Opting for smaller plates is best to control your meal intakes. The bigger the dish is, there is more space to fill. Smaller plates restrict the meal portion automatically due to limited space.

Chew your food

It is a worldwide known fact that chewing the food properly is essential for digestion of food. Chewing increases the time spent on the table for the meal. It makes you feel full faster than gulping down your food.

Use HCG Injections for Effective Weight Loss

HCG injections are one of the most popular and quickest way to lose weight. FAST ESCROW REFILLS is one of the most popular weight loss pharmacy. this pharmacy is rated as one of the leading HCG suppliers in USA. 

6 Health And Wellness Benefits Of Travelling

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It is said that Travelling is like escaping from your routine. What if you got to know that it is gaining your lost soul not escaping? Travelling not only fills the heart with joy but it can help in better physical and mental health. When you return from a vacation, you feel refreshed and energetic as your mind delivers a sense of satisfaction which was filled by travelling leaving your work and worries behind. Travelling not only fills your soul but also fills your heart and body with happiness and wellness. Travel, whenever you want, think you are losing yourself.

Traveling increases Creativity giving way to a healthy personality

  • We all know that creative people are healthier.
  • Haven’t you heard of the writers and painters traveling around to put the better creation in their work?
  • While traveling, you put yourself out of the comfort zone. The step of creativity starts with planning a vacation or trip. Then put it into the implementation stage.
  • Travel or trip not only provides challenging and new experiences but also provides the courage to deal with things unknown to us.
  • This is helpful in even dealing and creating new challenges in daily life too. When you travel you are unaware of the balls going to be thrown to you. So you prepare your mind instantly making you more decisive. Furthermore, going to a new place will enable you to discover your abilities and creativity making you even more creative than earlier.
  • So, trying to get into your creativity? Plan a trip and travel to a new place.

Boosts mood and increases strength

  • Going to a new destination fills you with joy. This also lifts your mood and increases your stamina. When you travel to a  new place, it provides your brain with happiness signal making you ready for future challenges.
  • The mood is uplifted every time you think of the adventure and challenge you took up on your trip. Hence, making you more challenging in day to day work. Also, strength is enhanced after taking new challenges.
  • When your mood is right, you are more into the good work node which increases your mental as well as physical health.

Enhances social behaviour helping us to deal with many diseases

  • Travelling makes us more social as visiting a new place will connect you with different kind of people and culture.  Different culture will provide a different way to deals with diseases and as we humans are social animals, indulging with different people enhances our health.
  • Social awareness and well-being are important for our health because it not only provides with a new way to tackle things but also increases our emotional intelligence

Enhances social behaviour helping us to deal with many diseases

Less stress, More life

  • Traveling helps to keep you away from stress. At the time of vacation, you get away from stress and daily worries. But after a vacation, you will feel less stressed at the workplace and in your sphere.
  • You can cope with every situation in life when you travel more. Also, it fills your soul making you happier and less stressed.
  • You will say goodbye to stress with the number of trips you plan.
  • Stress is the reason for many diseases like hypertension, blood pressure, depression, etc. Tackling stress through traveling will act as the best remedy you will ever experience.

Enhances social behaviour helping us to deal with many diseases

Keep on moving and lose some weight

  • Travelling is known to be the best weight balancer. This is a less popular fact.
  • People who travel more are less prone to hormonal imbalance and obesity.
  • Travelling makes you realize the importance of keep moving in life. And life is all about moving on. This makes you shed weight and promote good health by balancing your hormones and making you more active.

Boosts Mental Health.

  • Do you understand the value of Peace of Mind? There is no greater wealth than it. But how to attain peace of mind?
  • Meditation? You can travel and feel the mind at peace.
  • Yes, traveling can act as meditation. It connects you to your soul.
  • Choose your type of destination and see the magic it had on your mental health.
  • In our busy lives, we all are losing ourself. Travelling will let you know what you are. You will become more focussed towards your goals and will act productively towards your passion promoting healthy mental growth.

Boosts Mental Health.

Next time you think of better physical and mental health, Go for a vacation to a new place. Choose any place from a new country to a new city or your city. Engage with new people and culture boosting your mind and body. Travel because it’s the journey who changes you making you soul and body healthier.

Dietary Mistakes that can Cause Acne

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Acne has been a nightmare for people of all age groups and every effort seem to be futile. Ever wondered why it keeps recurring despite the precautions we take? It is because of the dietary patterns we follow. Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy skin.

What causes Acne?
Excess of sebum can clog the pores of your skin and lead to acne. Extra oil attracts bacteria which cause inflammation and skin ruptures. Sebum is increasingly produced when there are hormonal changes in your body or the level of toxins in the blood rise. This is purely a digestive problem. Skin being the largest organ in the body is directly in contact with blood and blood vessels. Therefore, even if you use natural methods to treat your skin, the toxin levels in the blood constantly affect it.

The key to healthy skin lies in the diet plan that you follow. Nutrition intake directly affects the quality of your skin. Though a copious amount of oil makes food spicy, it also adversely affects health. Replace your daily cooking oil with olive oil and use it moderately. Ensure that food is not spicy as spices usually make the oil producing glands in the face active. Hydrogenated fats are bad for the skin and this is precisely why deep-fried food damages the liver in the long run.

Food regulates the temperature of the body but spices considerably increase the production of heat. Cut down on the intake of spices and condiments in your diet.

Food items you should avoid
Processed Foods: Avoid packed and processed foods such as juices, chips, carbonated drinks, French fries and burgers. Also, stay away from omega-6 fatty acids which are present in corn oil, soybean oil and cottonseed oil. These oils promote inflammation in the skin and aggravate acne.

Butter and margarine: Keep away from butter and margarine. Marmalades and cheeses are always better options. For breakfast, try pancake with honey. Have plenty of seasonal fresh fruits rather than the tinned ones. Tinned fruits have carbohydrates and concentrated sugar which trigger acne.

Eggs: Eggs can cause allergies in the skin. Watch what you eat to determine whether you are prone to outbreaks. Introduce a certain number of eggs in your diet for a week. See if the skin reacts to that. Then either control or stop the intake of eggs according to the result. An excess of eggs in the diet can lead to acne. Have egg whites only to see if your skin still reacts to egg.. Egg yolk is high on pollen allergens that reportedly cause acne.

Simple Excercise To Remove Facial Fat

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The first noticeable signs of aging are normally wrinkles or loose skin what you see on the face of person. Your facial muscles are important as much as your other body muscles. These muscles need excercise same as the rest of your body. Fast escrow refills shares with you the most effective facial excercise that helps to keep your face toned and youthful.

First of all, you need to warm up your facial muscles. Stand up or sit down, holding your back straight. Now try to sing different vowels for as long as you can. Singing “I,“ ”O,“ “E,” and ”A” usually works best. Keep doing this exercise until you feel your entire face is warm.

Sit down, and tilt your head back. Now imagine that you need to reach the ceiling with your lower lip. Stick out your lower lip as far as you can, and hold for 5-10 seconds. Then take a short break, and repeat 2-3 times.

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Skin care tips for a healthy and glowing skin in 30s

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30s is the best time of your life. You have a stable career. Most probably stable-ish relationships, you have figured out almost everything in your life by the time you are 30 except for one thing, a great skin. Yes, a great skin is a tough nut to crack. If you are thirty, here are some skin care tips that might help you to get a beautiful skin. Take a look!

A healthy lifestyle

This one is the trickiest yet the most important thing. However, it is quite a simple phenomenon. If you are not healthy, you won’t shine. The glow, the beautiful skin that you long, the blemish free face, it all comes from within. If you are healthy, if you have a good working physical system, it will reflect as a natural glow. So, more or less, the beauty that people talk about is actually a healthy body. Give your body a good dose of natural antioxidants, Vitamins, detoxifiers, and so on. Have a good night’s sleep, eat good, workout regularly. For the sake of a younger looking and beautiful skin, maintain a healthy lifestyle, no matter how difficult it is.


Moisturise well

Some of the early signs of ageing include crow feet, wrinkle, and fine lines and so on. When we age, our skin tends to dry out and lose the elasticity with the lack of moisture. The mistake that we make as we age; we stop or hardly moisturise our skin, which ultimately dries out our skin and causes the early signs of ageing such as wrinkles. Just moisturise your skin well, after showers, every time you wash your face. Use moisturising creams and lotions or you can go for natural moisturisers such as honey and milk cream.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your naturally moisturised and hydrated.  Deficiency of water can cause dry skin, drinking water daily can keep your skin moisturised along with hydrated; preventing signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Protect your skin from dust and sun

You may not know but the harmful UV rays are cause of 80 percent of skin ageing. Exposure to sunlight causes pigmentation, one of the early signs of ageing. Researches show that the impact of UV rays on skin can increase with age. Use a good sun-block cream to protect your skin.

Live a stress-free life

No matter how preachy it may sound but staying happy is the secret to stay beautiful and young. Stress and worry can cause you to age faster. Yes, whether you are a guy or a girl, stress has similar effect on you. You tend to have wrinkles faster. Smiling and staying away from stress is the key.


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Different Warning Signs That Show a Stroke Is Coming

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Cerebral Stroke is a leading cause of serious disability in the US. Each year, as high as almost 800,000 people suffer from a stroke, 700,000 of which are first-timers and in 150,000 cases, its a recurrence. But there are ways to prevent it if you are careful about a few things in your daily life.

Having a stroke is similar to a heart attack, but in this case, it attacks your brain. Actually, a cerebral stroke happens when some parts of the brain are interrupted and that makes our body unable to function normally. The affected part of the brain needs urgent medical attention as its important for the brain to get a continuous supply of oxygen to be able to function normally.

The symptoms of a stroke usually develop quickly but it can sometimes take hours or even days to notice that something is wrong. So, if you think that you may be experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important not to ignore it, even if some of them don’t seem too serious.

1.High blood pressure

High blood pressure can lead to severe problems like a stroke by damaging the brain nerves or weakening the blood vessel and leading to a leak or rupture. Apart from that, high blood pressure is the reason for clot formation in the bloodstream and leading them to the brain, causing a stroke in the process.

2. Vision problems

Stroke can cause double vision, loss of vision in one eye, or blurred vision. When about 1,300 people during a survey in the UK were asked, they all remembered blurred vision/vision problems as a strong indicator.

3. Numbness on one side of the body — face, hands, or legs

It is common to have numbness or weakness in the face, an arm, or a leg on either side of the body. In some cases, there can also be paralysis on the opposite side of where the stroke occurred in the brain.


4. A sudden migraine or a severe headache

During a stroke, the blood flow to the brain is either blocked or cut off due to an interruption caused in the bloodstream. That can cause a vessel tear or damage resulting in a very sudden migraine or a headache.

5. Stiffness in the neck or shoulder pain

A ruptured blood vessel in the brain can cause a stiff neck or shoulder. If you are unable to touch your chin to your chest (considering you’re not obese or have any other condition), go and see a doctor immediately.


Exercises That You can Suggest to Eradicate Stress

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Stress has become a part of our lives. Yes, the kind of lifestyle that we lead today leaves us with no other option other than being stress. Our jobs, our health, our relationships and all other aspects of our lives have left us with stress and worries. Stress can lead to many diseases like diabetes, anxiety, high blood pressure and many other diseases. No one likes stress anyways but not many people are aware of the techniques to get rid of the stress.

Fast Escrow Refills tells us about the ways to get relief from stress with exercises. There are many exercises that can help you eradicate stress from your life. Exercising in itself is a stress reliever and can help you relieve from stress but there are exercises that can help you better with stress relief.

you can try out meditation, aerobics, yoga, and other deep breathing exercises.




Deep Breathing:

Things Your Pee Is Trying to Tell You About Your Health

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It might sound strange, but every time you go to the toilet you have a chance to check up on your health. By checking the color of your urine, you can see whether your body is doing well or if you need to see a doctor. Sounds easy, right? Now you just need to know the possible reasons (serious or not) behind each color.

Our researched what the color of your urine reveals about your health and suggestions for what you can do. Have you ever seen your urine appear to be one of these colors?


Some anti-inflammatory drugs (Azulfidine), chemotherapy drugs, and laxatives with senna can cause an orange color. Overconsumption of vitamin B2 or beta-carotene (carrots) could also be a reason. If you were not exposed to any of the above, then:

Drink more water. Dehydration can cause urine to be highly concentrated and vary from dark yellow to orange. In just a couple of hours, it should return to its normal clear yellow color.

Check your eyes. If you notice any yellowish tint in the whites of your eyes, then orange urine can be a sign that your liver is not functioning properly. You should make an appointment with a doctor immediately.

Pink and reddish

It’s probably alarming to see reddish or pink urine, but it is not necessarily serious as it could be caused by food or medications. Before worrying, see the reasons behind this color.

Foods: If you ate beetroot, blackberries, or rhubarb, then you have nothing to worry about. Some of the compounds that make these foods red are excreted in your urine after the kidneys do their job. Normally, it clears up by the next day. If it doesn’t, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

Medications: Certain antibiotics (like Rifadin and Rimactane) used to treat tuberculosis can turn urine reddish. Phenazopyridine, which is used to treat urinary tract infections, and laxatives containing senna can also be reasons for a pinkish color.

Blood: Blood in your urine can be a sign of a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, cancerous or noncancerous tumors, or bladder or kidney stones. If you see any blood clots or other tissues in your urine, see your doctor immediately. Specialists stress that this is rare but underdiagnosed, especially in women as they usually shrug it off as a weird period fluke.

Green or blue

It might be shocking to see this color, but it’s rare and could be caused by:

Foods: Eating artificially dyed foods or asparagus. Nothing to worry about. It will clear up in a day or 2.

Medications: Some medications (like Amitriptyline, Indomethacin, and Propofol) can cause the change of color.

Attention: If you haven’t been exposed to any of the above, then you should contact your doctor. A green color can signal a rare urinary tract infection caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas. The bug can also cause kidney stones.


If you see brown shades in your urine, it could be a sign of dehydration. Among the foods that can turn your urine brown are rhubarb and fava beans. But it’s better to get it checked out, especially if you drink lots of water but the color doesn’t go away. Brown urine could indicate problems with your liver and kidneys.

Attention: If your brown urine is followed by abdominal pain, rashes, and seizures, there is a high possibility of a genetic condition. Also, blood appears brownish when it disintegrates, and this can be a sign of a more serious condition like a tumor.

Foaming or fizzing

Having foamy urine from time to time is normal and is usually due to the speed of urination. But if it keeps coming back and is more noticeable over time, you should see your doctor.

Foamy or fizzing urine can be a sign of protein in your urine, and this needs professional evaluation as an increased amount can signal a serious kidney problem.


If your urine is completely transparent, it is a sign that you are drinking too much water. This can cause certain risks, the most important of which is diluting the salts in your body. This can create a problematic chemical imbalance in your body. You should consider drinking less water.

Pale straw yellow, transparent yellow, dark yellow

These colors mean you have nothing to worry about. Ideally, your urine should be a pale gold color. A pale yellow shows a good balance between being under and over hydrated. More concentrated urine is a sign that you need more water. Just keep in mind one golden rule: if it looks like lemonade — good for you!