4 Skin Problems Caused By Vitamin Deficiency And Unhealthy Diet

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Tired of skin problems and attracted by the actresses’ glowing skin? Think about the causes behind it! Apart from make-up, the celebs diet is the secret behind their beautiful skin. Moreover, one of the major reasons (skin problems) could be an unhealthy diet, which may cause:

  • dark circles around the eyes
  • pimples on the cheeks and forehead
  • dry, pale face
  • black lips

Your diet affects your health as well as skin.  To keep the skin healthy, it is important that your body fight off free radicals and eliminate them, moreover, instead of old cells, produce new cells. For this, a lot of vitamins are needed in your body, which you can get only through a good and healthy diet.

Pimples and Acne

Acne is a common facial problem, often troubling boys and girls in puberty. Acne is believed to cause hormonal changes in the body at the age of 16 to 22 years. However, consuming too much oily and spicy foods can also cause acne. Add ginger, turmeric, olive oil, etc. to your diet to get rid of acne.

Dark Circles and Wrinkles

Do you know that if you eat an excess of sugar and carbohydrates, what will it lead to? It causes dark circles under your eyes and wrinkles on the face.

  • White bread
  • white sugar (refined)
  • white rice
  • wheat flour, etc.

are some of the foods that increase the lifespan of your skin rapidly (due to which you start looking older than your actual age). Sugar destroys the skin collagen, which causes wrinkles. So if you are troubled by these problems or want to avoid these problems in the future, then avoid refined sugar. Also, limit the intake of carbohydrates.

Skin patches and psoriasis

Patches on the face and psoriasis can cause liver problems. The main function of the liver is to remove dirt and toxic elements from the body. But for this, there should be enough water in your body, so the liver can process it by separating the dirt from the blood. If you are not hydrated, then your liver won’t be able to clean the body properly, (due to which there is a problem of spots on the face). So to keep the skin clean, soft and beautiful, drink 3-4 liters of water daily.

Dark Lips

People usually have black lips due to smoking. Cigarettes not only cause cancer, but they can damage the ability of all your organs. So if you smoke regularly, reduce it slowly and stop at the end. Cigarette addiction can darken the lips as well as the gums. Apart from this, the lack of moisture on the skin can also cause black lips. To avoid this, apply moisturizer on your face and hands daily and quit this addiction.