Anti Allergy

Eat These 4 Foods At Night To Reduce Weight And Belly Fat

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In our busy life and bustling lifestyle, we often become careless about our eating habits. Eating anything when hungry or eating junk food is our first preference, which is not only the cause of weight gain but also the main causes of our illness. This is the reason that in today’s era many parents as well as their children, are becoming victims of obesity.

In such a situation, every person needs to take care of their consumption of food items. Paying attention to food is beneficial not only for your health but also guides our life in the correct direction. You must have heard about breakfast, but do you know that dinner also plays an important role in weight gain? Our lifestyle has spoiled our daily routine due to which, one cannot consume the morning and evening meals on time. Unnecessary expenses and bad eating habits have spoiled our body, especially the evening meal. Because after eating dinner, our body goes into the posture of rest for a long time, which makes it difficult to digest and the weight starts to gain. If your weight is constantly increasing, then you can control weight in these four easy ways.

Diet Plan Is Most Necessary

Diet plans along with exercises are very important in weight loss. The most important thing in the diet plan is what to eat and what not to eat. Moreover, it also signifies the quantity and timings of foods. Indeed, many people who do dieting do not eat at night to lose weight. By doing this, you may feel insomniac and may run for junk food to calm your hunger. These foods increase the number of calories in our body due to which the weight starts to gain.

Eat Cherry And Lose Weight At Night

If you do not feel sleepy at night and want to munch on something, then you can grab some cherries. This will not only help you to fill your stomach but you will also get a good sleep. Cherry is found to have melatonin hormone, which leads to a night of good sleep. Besides, antioxidants are also found in cherries, which removes swelling in the body.

Curd And Boiled Eggs

Dahi or curd is extremely beneficial in the night because there is very less amount of protein and sugar in the curd. The proteins present in the curd fill the stomach and keeps the muscles active. The lean protein found in curd helps in reducing body fat and is also helpful in weight loss. With this, an egg is also a good source of protein. If you eat boiled eggs in dinner, you can succeed in weight loss. Only 78 calories are present in an egg, which is extremely beneficial in reducing weight.

Almonds And Fiber-Rich Grains

Almonds help in repairing muscles. Five grams of protein and fiber in it, do not allow you to stay hungry all night. Almond is renowned as a fat-reducing superfood. Almond helps in reducing excess fat from our body. Apart from this, carbohydrates and fiber present in it helps keep the stomach full and reduce body fat.


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Sleep Deprivation Effects On Mental Health

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Sleeping is a state where your body is at complete rest. This is the only time in the day when your brain’s muscles are in the state of paralysis. While sleeping an individual is completely unaware of what is happening around them. Have you ever imagined why your ‘night’s sleep’ is considered your complete sleep? Because it plays a significant role in your daily life. Some of its features are the following:

  1. advances well-being
  2. maintains mental health
  3. enhances physical health
  4. improves the deteriorating quality of life

During your sleep, the body works continuously. It supports:

  1. healthy functioning of the brain
  2. maintain well-being


However, insomnia or improper sleep can raise the danger of some incessant health issues. Insomnia can affect:

  1. thinking process
  2. reactions
  3. work atmosphere
  4. learning

While sleeping, the following thing happens to your body:

  1. relaxation of muscles
  2. lowering of body temperature
  3. slow breathing.

When you are in a night of deep sleep your body faces several physiological changes that help in enhancing the functions of the immune system. Therefore, the lack of sleep is directly proportional to the working system of your body. The deep sleep time is also considered between 3 AM to 5 AM.

Adverse effects of sleep deprivation

  1. mood swings
  2. irritated mood
  3. anger
  4. stress
  5. reduced capabilities
  6. Psychiatric Disorders

Lack of sleep can hamper your stress hormones levels which can completely damage your brain. It also causes several hazards to your thinking abilities and imbalanced work life.

disorders that are caused by sleep deprivation:

Depression – Low Spirits
Despair is a complex mood disorder that leads to low spirits. Depression can be distinguished by,

  1. lack of vigor
  2. sadness
  3. disinterest

It is discovered that a lot of these signs are linked to the quality of sleep you are getting, which amplifies when your body suffers it. However, there is no direct connection between good sleep and depression. But it is mostly seen that people who have faced depression, had improper sleep. However, insomnia is a common issue amongst people with suicidal tendencies. Patients are also at a high risk of relapse if they are not able to get quality sleep.

Anxiety – Nervousness and Restlessness

  1. worry
  2. mental tension
  3. extreme fear
  4. angst
  5. panic attacks
  6. uneasiness
  7. jitters

A large number of anxiety patients also suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation. Nowadays, kids, teenagers, and youth are suffering from it. It is also discovered that anxiety patients sleep for short periods than healthy youngsters.

4 Superfoods for a Healthy Looking Skin

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Eating the right food is as important as choosing the right cosmetics for your skin. Not just your skin care products, the food you eat also affects your skin health. To protect your skin you need to consume certain foods in a required quantity. You must add skin-friendly foods to your diet. These foods will strengthen your digestive system as well as improve your skin health. You do not have to depend on various cosmetics for better skin anymore. Just simply make some changes in your diet and add a few simple food items to get a glowing skin.


Eggs are loaded with protein which stimulated skin toning. It helps in treating dark spots and uneven skin tone. It also prevents the skin from any kind of damage from direct sunlight and pollution. You can add eggs to your diet. You can also apply egg white directly to your face. It will absorb extra oil from your skin and treat pimples. It will treat oily skin very effectively. Homemade egg white mask can help you get a shinier and softer skin.


Dark chocolate

It is a good news for all the chocolate lovers that dark chocolate can improve your skin health. The presence of cocoa in dark chocolate plays a key role in maintaining skin health. Cocoa powder is high in antioxidants which will protect your skin from damage from free radicals. According to various studies, consumption of dark chocolate can improve your cardiovascular health as well. Now you have more reasons to enjoy another bar of chocolate but do not over consume dark chocolate.

Green tea

You might have heard about the benefits of green tea for weight loss but do you know green tea can offer benefits to your skin. Green tea will protect your skin from damage and prevent ageing. It is also rich in antioxidants which will protect your skin from sun and pollution damage. You can consume two cups of green tea in a day to protect your skin.


Most people don’t know but tomatoes are good for your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and other essential nutrients. The presence of lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant which is also present in several other fruits like watermelon, guava, grapes and many more. You can also apply a pack made with fresh tomato puree which will reduce dark spots. It will also remove tanning and give your skin a natural glow.

Apart from these foods always follow the golden rule for a healthy skin- drink more water. Water will help you flush out toxins from your skin. It is the best and the most effective way to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Simple Excercise To Remove Facial Fat

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The first noticeable signs of aging are normally wrinkles or loose skin what you see on the face of person. Your facial muscles are important as much as your other body muscles. These muscles need excercise same as the rest of your body. Fast escrow refills shares with you the most effective facial excercise that helps to keep your face toned and youthful.

First of all, you need to warm up your facial muscles. Stand up or sit down, holding your back straight. Now try to sing different vowels for as long as you can. Singing “I,“ ”O,“ “E,” and ”A” usually works best. Keep doing this exercise until you feel your entire face is warm.

Sit down, and tilt your head back. Now imagine that you need to reach the ceiling with your lower lip. Stick out your lower lip as far as you can, and hold for 5-10 seconds. Then take a short break, and repeat 2-3 times.

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Skin care tips for a healthy and glowing skin in 30s

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30s is the best time of your life. You have a stable career. Most probably stable-ish relationships, you have figured out almost everything in your life by the time you are 30 except for one thing, a great skin. Yes, a great skin is a tough nut to crack. If you are thirty, here are some skin care tips that might help you to get a beautiful skin. Take a look!

A healthy lifestyle

This one is the trickiest yet the most important thing. However, it is quite a simple phenomenon. If you are not healthy, you won’t shine. The glow, the beautiful skin that you long, the blemish free face, it all comes from within. If you are healthy, if you have a good working physical system, it will reflect as a natural glow. So, more or less, the beauty that people talk about is actually a healthy body. Give your body a good dose of natural antioxidants, Vitamins, detoxifiers, and so on. Have a good night’s sleep, eat good, workout regularly. For the sake of a younger looking and beautiful skin, maintain a healthy lifestyle, no matter how difficult it is.


Moisturise well

Some of the early signs of ageing include crow feet, wrinkle, and fine lines and so on. When we age, our skin tends to dry out and lose the elasticity with the lack of moisture. The mistake that we make as we age; we stop or hardly moisturise our skin, which ultimately dries out our skin and causes the early signs of ageing such as wrinkles. Just moisturise your skin well, after showers, every time you wash your face. Use moisturising creams and lotions or you can go for natural moisturisers such as honey and milk cream.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your naturally moisturised and hydrated.  Deficiency of water can cause dry skin, drinking water daily can keep your skin moisturised along with hydrated; preventing signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Protect your skin from dust and sun

You may not know but the harmful UV rays are cause of 80 percent of skin ageing. Exposure to sunlight causes pigmentation, one of the early signs of ageing. Researches show that the impact of UV rays on skin can increase with age. Use a good sun-block cream to protect your skin.

Live a stress-free life

No matter how preachy it may sound but staying happy is the secret to stay beautiful and young. Stress and worry can cause you to age faster. Yes, whether you are a guy or a girl, stress has similar effect on you. You tend to have wrinkles faster. Smiling and staying away from stress is the key.


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Tips to Tackle Eye Allergies

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An eye allergy can be troublesome. Anyone suffering from it would want quick relief from those painful, irritating red eyes. The good news is that there are both natural ways and medicines to get rid of allergic diseases.

You are sitting in a meeting at the office and eyes start to water for no reason, soon they become itchy and inflamed, and you are doing best to not to look ridiculous with sunglasses inside. Welcome to eye allergy!

Self-Care Tips

An eye allergy can be annoying and can strike at any time, but fortunately, there are ways to get rid of this condition, and you can stay prepared for such an eye allergy. Depending on the kind of eye allergy that persists, any of the following remedies can be used:

  • Cold compress– To get relief from those itchy eyes, you can give a chance to cold compress. What you all need to do take a soft cloth, dip it in cold water and place it on your eyes. However, the method only for temporary relief, but can be very effective.
  • Rosewater– Rose water is considered as the popular home remedy for treating an eye allergy.  Put three to four drops in the eye every day to get rid of any of eye allergy. Make sure that you keep closing your eyes for a few minutes to allow the soothing solution to get into the eyes and stars working.
  • Repeated eye rinsing– An individual suffering from persistent eye allergy can try washing his/her eyes with cold water.  Repeatedly rinsing the eyes with cold water may remove all the foreign particles, thus eliminating the allergy symptoms.
  • Take your hands off– It’s hard not to touch them while they are irritating much. Rubbing eyes can make things worse. If you are continuously rubbing your eyes, it may cause mast cells to release more of those itches causing chemicals


Brush your teeth instead of eating dessert.

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What to do: Another way to fight a craving is to brush your teeth instead of eating. Feeling the menthol of the toothpaste in your mouth, your brain gets a signal that the meal is over.

What happened: Exactly what was promised, as strange as that was. Even if there was a pang of hunger, going for lunch wasn’t on my mind for another hour or two. That is because, for me, brushing my teeth is associated with the end of a day and going to sleep.

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How To Make Healthier Choices

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Every year countless people determined to make permanent weight loss as their New Year’s Resolution. Weight loss diet is not that much simple. You need to be strong enough to follow some strict food as your diet plans.  A New Year’s Resolution is great for gaining that much-needed motivation, but Fast Escrow Refills also suggest including the Resolution to Make Healthier Choices. This is a surprisingly effective mindset shift. Weight loss takes some time to show effective results if you will go with traditional methodologies. But now there are many strong diet programs are available online or offline which are very effective plus faster in showing weight loss results. If you are choosing HCG diet for your weight loss then you are on right path because now days HCG diet is considered as one of the most promising and effective way to lose weight.

For following this diet program you need to take proper care of what you eat, how much you eat etc. You see, it doesn’t require you to suddenly be a different person you can choose to go for a walk after dinner rather than sitting on the sofa and watching TV.  You can make a commitment to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning to improve your hydration, or add a super food supplement to your diet. These are just a few examples of small changes that can reap huge benefits and establish a foundation for long term health and wellness.

Loraclear (Loratadine) | Buy Anti Allergy Drugs |

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Loraclear (Loratadine) | Buy Anti Allergy Drugs

Loraclear (Loratadine) | Buy Anti Allergy DrugsWhat is LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg?
Loratadine is an antihistamine that reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose.Loratadine is used to treat the symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. It is also used to treat skin hives and itching in people with chronic skin reactions.Loratadine may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

What is the most important information I should know about LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg?
You should not take this medication if you are allergic to loratadine or to desloratadine (Clarinex). Before taking loratadine, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have liver or kidney disease.Do not give this medication to a child younger than 6 years old without the advice of a doctor. Loratadine disintegrating tablets (Claritin Reditab) may contain phenylalanine. Talk to your doctor before using this form of loratadine if you have phenylketonuria (PKU).


What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg?

You should not take this medication if you are allergic to loratadine or to desloratadine (Clarinex). Before taking loratadine, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:kidney disease; or liver disease. If you have any of these conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take loratadine.FDA pregnancy category B: This medication is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment.

Loratadine can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Loratadine disintegrating tablets (Claritin Reditab, Alavert) may contain phenylalanine. Talk to your doctor before using this form of loratadine if you have phenylketonuria (PKU).Do not give this medication to a child younger than 6 years old without the advice of a doctor.

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How should I take LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg?

Take this medication as directed on the label, or as your doctor has prescribed. Do not take the medication in larger amounts or for longer than recommended.Loratadine is usually taken once per day. Follow your doctor’s instructions.Do not crush, chew, or break the regular loratadine tablet. Swallow the pill whole. Measure liquid form of loratadine with a special dose-measuring spoon or cup, not a regular table spoon. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one.To take loratadine orally disintegrating tablet (Claritin RediTab, Alavert):Keep the tablet in its blister pack until you are ready to take the medicine. Open the package and peel back the foil from the tablet blister. Do not push a tablet through the foil or you may damage the tablet.Using dry hands, remove the tablet and place it on your tongue. It will begin to dissolve right away.Do not swallow the tablet whole. Allow it to dissolve in your mouth without chewing.Swallow several times as the tablet dissolves. If desired, you may drink water to help swallow the dissolved tablet.Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve.

Store loratadine at room temperature away from moisture and heat. 

What happens if I miss a dose?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, wait until then to take the medicine and skip the missed dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine. Overdose symptoms may include headache, drowsiness, and fast or pounding heartbeat.

What should I avoid while taking LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg?

Follow your doctor’s instructions about any restrictions on food, beverages, or activity while you are using loratadine.

Side effects of  LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg 

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: fast or uneven heart rate;feeling like you might pass out;jaundice (yellowing of your skin or eyes); orseizures (convulsions).

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Less serious side effects may include:

headache;nervousness;feeling tired or drowsy;stomach pain, diarrhea;dry mouth, sore throat hoarseness;eye redness, blurred vision;nosebleed; orskin rash.This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect.


What other drugs will affect LORACLEAR  (Loratadine) 10mg?

There may be other drugs that can affect loratadine. Tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you use. This includes vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Do not start using a new medication without telling your doctor.anti allergy dogs, anti allergy drugs, anti allergy eye drops, Buy Anti Allergy Drugs, buy hcg injections online, Escrow refills,, Fast Escrow refills coupon code, fast escrow refills reviews, Loraclear (Loratadine), loraclear for dogs, loraclear hayfever relief 10mg, loraclear review,loratadine 5mg, loratadine dosage, loratadine for dogs.

Dexamethasone (Dexamethasone) | Fast Escrow Refills Coupon Code

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Buy Dexamethasone (Dexamethasone)  Anti Allergy Medicine From  By Using Coupon Code : Fast0005 Get10% Discount

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What is Generic Dexamethasone?

Dexamethasone (Dexamethasone) Generic Dexamethasone is in a class of drugs called steroids. Generic Dexamethasone prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.Generic Dexamethasone is used to treat many different conditions such as allergic disorders, skin conditions, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or breathing disorders.Generic Dexamethasone may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

What is the most important information I should know about Generic Dexamethasone?

You should not use this medication if you are allergic to Generic Dexamethasone, or if you have a fungal infection anywhere in your body. Before taking Generic Dexamethasone, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, and about all other medicines you are using. There are many other diseases that can be affected by steroid use, and many other medicines that can interact with steroids.Your steroid medication needs may change if you have any unusual stress such as a serious illness, fever or infection, or if you have surgery or a medical emergency. Tell your doctor about any such situation that affects you during treatment.Steroid medication can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to get an infection or worsening an infection you already have or have recently had.

Tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have had within the past several weeks.Avoid being near people who are sick or have infections. Call your doctor for preventive treatment if you are exposed to chicken pox or measles. These conditions can be serious or even fatal in people who are using steroid medication.Do not receive a “live” vaccine while you are taking Generic Dexamethasone. Vaccines may not work as well while you are taking a steroid.Do not stop using Generic Dexamethasone suddenly, or you could have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor about how to avoid withdrawaprovider l symptoms when stopping the medication.

What should I discuss with my healthcare before taking Generic Dexamethasone?

You should not use this medication if you are allergic to Generic Dexamethasone, or if you have a fungal infection anywhere in your body. Steroid medication can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to get an infection. Steroids can also worsen an infection you already have, or reactivate an infection you recently had. Before taking this medication, tell your doctor about any illness or infection you have had within the past several weeks.

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If you have any of these other conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take Generic Dexamethasone:liver disease (such as cirrhosis);kidney disease;a thyroid disorder;diabetes;a history of malaria;tuberculosis;osteoporosis;a muscle disorder such as myasthenia gravis;glaucoma or cataracts;herpes infection of the eyes;stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, or diverticulitis;depression or mental illness;congestive heart failure; orhigh blood pressureFDA pregnancy category C.

It is not known whether Generic Dexamethasone is harmful to an unborn baby. Before you take this medication, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. Generic Dexamethasone can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Steroids can affect growth in children. Talk with your doctor if you think your child is not growing at a normal rate while using this medication.

How should I take Generic Dexamethasone?

Take this medication exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label.Your doctor may occasionally change your dose to make sure you get the best results from this medication.Your steroid medication needs may change if you have unusual stress such as a serious illness, fever or infection, or if you have surgery or a medical emergency.

Tell your doctor about any such situation that affects you.This medication can cause you to have unusual results with certain medical tests. Tell any doctor who treats you that you are using Generic Dexamethasone.Do not stop using Generic Dexamethasone suddenly, or you could have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Talk to your doctor about how to avoid withdrawal symptoms when stopping the medication.  Any doctor, dentist, or emergency medical care provider who treats you should know that you are taking steroid medication.

Store Generic Dexamethasone at room temperature away from moisture and heat. 

What happens if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose or forget to take your medicine, contact your doctor or pharmacist for instructions.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have received too much of this medicine. A single large dose of Generic Dexamethasone is not expected to produce life-threatening symptoms. However, long-term use of high steroid doses can lead to symptoms such as thinning skin, easy bruising, changes in the shape or location of body fat (especially in your face, neck, back, and waist), increased acne or facial hair, menstrual problems, impotence, or loss of interest in sex.

What should I avoid while taking Generic Dexamethasone?

Avoid being near people who are sick or have infections. Call your doctor for preventive treatment if you are exposed to chicken pox or measles. These conditions can be serious or even fatal in people who are using steroid medication.Do not receive a “live” vaccine while you are being treated with Generic Dexamethasone. Vaccines may not work as well while you are taking a steroid.Avoid drinking alcohol while you are taking Generic Dexamethasone.

Side effects of Generic Dexamethasone 

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: problems with your vision;swelling, rapid weight gain, feeling short of breath;severe depression, unusual thoughts or behavior, seizure (convulsions);bloody or tarry stools, coughing up blood;pancreatitis (severe pain in your upper stomach spreading to your back, nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate);low potassium (confusion, uneven heart rate, extreme thirst, increased urination, leg discomfort, muscle weakness or limp feeling); ordangerously high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision, buzzing in your ears, anxiety, confusion, chest pain, shortness of breath, uneven heartbeats, seizure).

Less serious side effects may include:

sleep problems (insomnia), mood changes;acne, dry skin, thinning skin, bruising or discoloration;slow wound healing;increased sweating;headache, dizziness, spinning sensation;nausea, stomach pain, bloating;muscle weakness; orchanges in the shape or location of body fat (especially in your arms, legs, face, neck, breasts, and waist).This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

What other drugs will affect Generic Dexamethasone?

There are many other medicines that can interact with steroids. Below is only a partial list of these medicines:aspirin (taken on a daily basis or at high doses);a diuretic (water pill);a blood thinner such as warfarin (Coumadin);cyclosporine (Gengraf, Neoral, Sandimmune);insulin or diabetes medications you take by mouth;ketoconazole (Nizoral);rifampin (Rifadin, Rifater, Rifamate, Rimactane); orseizure medications such as phenytoin (Dilantin) or phenobarbital (Luminal, Solfoton).This list is not complete and there may be other drugs that can interact with Generic Dexamethasone. Tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you use. This includes vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Do not start using a new medication without telling your doctor.