

Quick Ways to Relieve a Headache You Can Practice Everywhere

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Nearly half the adult human population experiences a headache at least once a year, according to this study. There are many types of headaches like migraines, cluster headaches and those that arise due to tension, problems with eyesight or sinuses. Those caused by tension are the most common and affect about 1.6 billion people.


Since a headache doesn’t warn you before coming and can start anytime and anywhere, Fast Escrow Refills has made a list of  techniques you can use to get rid of it.


Temperature therapy

Taking a warm shower helps to relax tense muscles and can relieve a headache. But you might not always have the time to take a shower, in that case using hot compresses might help as well.


Massaging the Union Valley

How to locate: These points are located on the web formed between your thumb and index finger.


Locate the area and continuously pinch it firmly, but painfully for about 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds, release the pinch and massage this area using the thumb of your other hand by moving it in a circular motion. Move clockwise for 10 seconds and then counterclockwise for the next 10 seconds.

Repeat this process on your opposite hand.

This acupressure point is helpful in relieving tension in the head and neck which is often associated with headaches.


Massaging the Drilling Bamboo point

How to locate: These points are located on either side of the nose at the trough where the bridge of the nose meets the ridge of the eyebrows.



Use your index fingers to apply firm pressure on both sides simultaneously for about 10 seconds.

Release the pressure and repeat.

Applying pressure to these points is effective in relieving headaches caused by eyestrain and sinus.


Massaging the Shoulder Well location

How to locate: The Shoulder Well is located between the shoulder point and the base of your neck.



Using your thumb, massage this location on your left side by moving the thumb in a circular motion for about 1 minute.

After 1 minute, do the same on the right side.

It relieves stiffness in the neck and shoulders and thereby any headache arising due to it.


Rubbing the Pupil Bone Hole

How to locate: It is located in the outer corner of each eye.



Use your index and middle fingers to gently rub this point on both sides of the eyes simultaneously until you feel relief.

It helps to relieve pain associated with a migraine.


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Ten ways to fight With Anxiety and Fears

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1. Take time out
It’s impossible to think clearly when you’re flooded with fear or anxiety. The first thing to do is take time out so you can physically calm down.

Distract yourself from the worry for 15 minutes by walking around the block, making a cup of tea or having a bath.

2. Breathe through panic
If you start to get a faster heartbeat or sweating palms, the best thing is not to fight it.

Stay where you are and simply feel the panic without trying to distract yourself. Place the palm of your hand on your stomach and breathe slowly and deeply.

The goal is to help the mind get used to coping with panic, which takes the fear of fear away.

3. Face your fears
Avoiding fears only makes them scarier. Whatever your fear, if you face it, it should start to fade. If you panic one day getting into a lift, for example, it’s best to get back into a lift the next day.

4. Imagine the worst
Try imagining the worst thing that can happen – perhaps it’s panicking and having a heart attack. Then try to think yourself into having a heart attack. It’s just not possible. The fear will run away the more you chase it.

5. Look at the evidence
It sometimes helps to challenge fearful thoughts. For example, if you’re scared of getting trapped in a lift and suffocating, ask yourself if you have ever heard of this happening to someone. Ask yourself what you would say to a friend who had a similar fear.

6. Don’t try to be perfect
Life is full of stresses, yet many of us feel that our lives must be perfect. Bad days and setbacks will always happen, and it’s important to remember that life is messy.

7. Visualise a happy place
Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a place of safety and calm. It could be a picture of you walking on a beautiful beach, or snuggled up in bed with the cat next to you, or a happy memory from childhood. Let the positive feelings soothe you until you feel more relaxed.

8. Talk about it
Sharing fears takes away a lot of their scariness. If you can’t talk to a partner, friend or family member.

9. Go back to basics
Lots of people turn to alcohol or drugs to self-treat anxiety, but this will only make matters worse. Simple, everyday things like a good night’s sleep, a wholesome meal and a walk are often the best cures for anxiety.

10. Reward yourself
Finally, give yourself a treat. When you’ve made that call you’ve been dreading, for example, reinforce your success by treating yourself to a massage, a country walk, a meal out, a book, a DVD, or whatever little gift makes you happy.

Kill Anxiety with these simple Tricks

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The sudden feeling of fear, nervousness, and an unexplained unease with or without a reason is often categorised as anxiety. Apart from medical help, there are many tricks and tips to ease anxiety attacks in minutes. If you too are suffering from anxiety attacks, you can try these effective tricks to kill anxiety.


Accept it

First of all, do not deny that you are anxious about something. Accept the fact that there is something bothering you, do not fight it. Fighting or resisting will only make it worst.  Just sit and talk to yourself. Tell yourself that it will pass and things will change.

Distract yourself

Although it is quite a difficult task to get out of anxiety attacks but still if one successfully manages, the anxiety can ease down in minutes. If you are experiencing an anxiety attack, try walking out of that place or situation that you think has contributed to the anxiety attack. Just start watching some funny videos, take a walk, do anything that usually calms you down. Watching something funny or something that can keep you hooked is usually the best method.

Vent out

Venting out is the best technique to calm down. An outlet always helps. If you suppress your anxiety, it will only grow. Suppose you are at work and suddenly you are anxious, you cannot vent out at anyone in that situation. Call someone up, someone closer to you and vent out to them. Sometimes crying and talking are two best modes of venting out.


It is another effective way to calm down. Go to the nearest salon; get a head and body massage, manicure/pedicure. Just close your eyes and relax. Nothing works better than a self-care regimen.